fluor - flôr
derived from fluorescent
Bringing a new light to HLK
the world
We’re dynamic. Our skills may vary, but together we create.
We emit life and energy through our work.
We strive to create original and relevant content for our clients.
We have the drive and willingness to develop new ideas.
We’re taking Launchpad in a different direction.
From left to right: Brandon, Audrey, Louis, Jenna, and Katie.
Greetings! I’m Audrey Dickens, and I serve as the copywriter for the Launchpad team. Coming into my fourth year of Strategic Communications Art Direction at the Missouri School of Journalism, I am a 20-year-old graphic aspiring strategic communicator from Kansas City. I'm passionate about all things visual and strategic content and forming meaningful relationships with those I collaborate with. Hard working and with great attention to detail (obsessive?), I enjoy new and challenging projects, a nice vanilla latte, and having long conversations with my labradoodle, Charles.
Hi! I am Jenna Leahy and I am fluor’s Content Strategist + blog writer. I am a junior at the University of Oregon studying Marketing and Political Science. Very political and soft at heart, I can often be found fighting for a cause I believe in. I love social media and I am so excited to learn more about the strategy and attention to detail it takes to run a campaign as a Content Strategist. I am thankful for HLK’s endless cold brew on tap + proximity to delicious food.
Hi, my name is Louis Rotondo and I am the account manager for the group. I just graduated from Missouri State University with a degree in Marketing Management. I love most sports mainly baseball, football, and hockey. Being around my dogs is my favorite thing about being home from college. I’m hoping to gain a better understanding of the world of marketing from this internship and how to apply what I have learned in my college classes to real situations and learn how to best utilize my skills and personality in a professional atmosphere. By the end of this internship I’m hoping to have a firm grasp of where I belong professionally.
Hi, my name is Katie Novak, I am the Media Strategist Launchpad Intern. I am from Chesterfield, MO and I am a senior majoring in marketing advertising and promotion at Missouri State University. I was really excited to start this position at HLK because of my recent addition of my minor in marketing research. This internship gives me the opportunity of real life experience that I would not be able to learn in a classroom setting or basically anywhere else. I honestly was not aware of how important a media strategist position could be in a marketing campaign. But I am learning day-to-day that media strategist is the somewhat a backbone of every aspect of the whole campaign. I love working in a team environment, I think it makes everyone’s strengths shine. As soon as my team starting talking with each other we instantly connected. Although we all maybe slightly different from each other we really complement each others strengths while filling in each other's weaknesses. Which I think will be really promising during our launchpad session. In my free time, I enjoy online shopping/browsing social media, exercising, meeting up with friends, and of course chilling with my dog Teddy.
My name’s Brandon and I’m the Art Director of the group. I graduated from Mizzou about 3 days before the internship started and only cried 4 times about leaving Columbia. I’m having a great time here so far - the people are cool, the dogs are abundant. As AD, I come up with ideas and make stuff look pretty. I’ve been really into animations and illustrations as of lately and hope to bring some of that into our campaign. Woo.