The Ingredients of Good Experience

Here we are, at the beginning of week four, fresh off the first pitch and getting down to the grind on our second project. It’s crazy to think that we only have three weeks left. In addition to the challenges we have already faced and have yet to face, Team Quasar certainly hasn't forgotten the importance of just having a good time.

After three weeks, we have shared our worst ideas (and our best ideas), witnessed various status meetings, and proofed anything from mind-numbing product guides to exciting RFPs. At this point, we have worked on a client project all the way through and pitched the final product to our mentors, aka the client. Team Quasar had the opportunity to work with and learn from each other, all of who come from different educational backgrounds. In celebration of our successes at HLK so far, we’ve bonded over food and drinks at McGurk’s and delivered Ted Drewe’s ice cream to the entire office, which were both entertaining feats to say the least.

Immediately following the close of this internship, I will be returning to the University of Illinois to begin my last year of undergrad. Most college seniors are stuck between severe bouts of senioritis and desperately clinging on to every moment before graduation. Before HLK, I'd say I was leaning toward the latter. For the fall semester, I was enrolled in random electives that were “easy A’s” as well as a few advertising classes to wrap up my degree. I was ready to kick back and relax before the impending onset of the “real world”.

Getting to know my teammates and witnessing the skill required for every role has motivated me to learn more and, subsequently, change my senior schedule for the better (why was I enrolled in ice skating?). Now, I’m signed up to take classes such as media entrepreneurship, media sales, and persuasive writing. While maybe they aren't "easy A's", these courses will help me understand more about the industry, and, therefore, become a better team player in my future career. Like I said earlier, I’m not forgetting to have fun. Coaching wheelchair basketball is one course I kept on my schedule that will definitely fulfill that requirement.