Chapter 2: Following the Road Map

After countless hours of research and road-mapping, our team did it - we created our first deck for Channel Seed! It might have taken countless meetings and messages via Slack, but it was worth the hard work when our mentors told us how impressed they were. But, in the wise words of Hannah Montana, nobody’s perfect, you live and you learn it

Corrections, notes, and creative commentary aside, our team of six felt accomplished, and more importantly - proud of ourselves. I don’t think any of us realized what a crash course in corn this project would be - now we can say we’re officially agriculturally-versed.

Sticking to our road map is essential from here on out. Much like the Olympics, we pass the baton down through each member of our team, from the creative brief to our final deck (I had to drop the Olympics somewhere in here, I’m WAY too excited for the games). But, after a grueling week of grammatical changes, paraphrasing research, and thinking of the big picture, a relaxing weekend is exactly what we needed. On Monday, we continue our fine-tuning of concepts, as we approach the week with fresh eyes.

But in the meantime…

Hey Adpollo 11, what cat meme represents your week 2?

Madeline checking herself out in the 360 Zoom practice pitch

Madeline checking herself out in the 360 Zoom practice pitch

Erica with 30+ tabs open

Erica with 30+ tabs open

Hannah slack calling her mentor for the 700th time to ask a question

Hannah slack calling her mentor for the 700th time to ask a question

Jamie when David and Kari both liked the same line of copy

Jamie when David and Kari both liked the same line of copy

Emily when we finally get the flow of our script right

Emily when we finally get the flow of our script right

Anel when photoshop crashes and he’s trying to make last minute changes

Anel when photoshop crashes and he’s trying to make last minute changes