Chapter 5: Coasting Through the Stratosphere
By Anel Mehmedovic
Week five was all about the group coming together and working hard to solidify our two creative concepts. Prior to this week, we focused all of our attention on research and making sure we had the facts to support our reasoning.
A challenge for our group was figuring out which ideas we needed to flush out and which ones were not the best fit. With some help from our mentors, we managed to analyze our concepts closely and through some refinements, we figured out the best direction to move forward with.
Now, here is some food for thought…
Hey Adpollo 11, if you could ask your pet any question, what would it be?
“Why do you randomly roll around in the grass?”
“You know the mailman isn’t the enemy, right?”
“Why do you feel the need to chase a car up the driveway after it has already left... you watched it leave?”
“Why do you bark at inanimate objects? You’re smarter than that!”
“Be you feel naked without your collar?”