Chapter 3: Prepare for Landing

Attention launchpad passengers, we are beginning our descent to the end of Project 1. Our intern group went to infinity and beyond for this project and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of this team! Chapter 3 was, in my opinion, the most thrilling chapter yet. Spoiler alert: our team pushed ourselves and the concept, implemented feedback and reached the stars at the final presentation.  

I think I speak for all of the MoonwaHLKers when I say I am very proud of what we accomplished. For us all, this was our first real experience working at an agency, working with a big team, and working to make a campaign worthy of the American Cancer Society of Missouri. As someone whose family has been affected by breast cancer, this project meant much more than simply flexing my creative muscle. I hope that our work on this campaign can inspire more mammograms, more early detections, and more hope for the future.

Speaking of the future, we now look to the next chapter of starting our second and final Launchpad project. I’ll hand it over to my co-captains to answer this: 

What Jetsons-esque gadget would you want to invent?

Ashley: I would want to invent a gadget that could make me time travel! I would love to go back in time and relive some of my favorite moments and memories, but also travel to the future to see what my life is like and what crazy things are happening!

Collin: I definitely would invent some sort of gadget that would turn water to food instantly. After you were done eating you could then zap it right back into water. A Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs esque device would be amazing. Zapping it back to water would also reduce food waste that we produce and plastic waste as you would not have to buy things premade or even groceries! There would be so many benefits to this device if we could just slap on our spray on shoes and come up with something like this.

Erin: I would love to fly! I think the device I would invent would be a flying hoverboard or bicycle that could take me as far and high as I wanted. Ever since I was a kid, I loved watching the Jetsons and always wished I could go for a ride in one of their flying cars. 

Haley: Putting away laundry is my most loathed chore. Why should I put clothes away when I will eventually get them back out? While I enjoy the sight of a clean room, my “not dirty enough to wash” clothes chair begs to differ. If I invented any futuristic gadget, it would be a gadget to put away laundry for me.

Hunter: I would invent a device that would zap me to sleep when I want to go to sleep and it makes me stay asleep until it zaps me awake when I want to wake up (at a set time like an alarm). All my life I have had trouble falling asleep and/or trouble falling back asleep when I wake up too early. 

Mallory: Easy. I would create a remote or device that teleports you with the click of a button so that I could just travel anywhere and everywhere. I would not have to worry about spending money on gas or plane tickets, and instead, I could spend it on more experiential activities in locations all over the world. (This also means I could teleport myself back and forth from my favorite restaurant to get the best buffalo chicken wrap ever!!!!)

Margaret: Like George Jetson’s Blaster Ray Gun, I would want to invent something that could simply blast me into another location. As someone who is plagued with car problems, having the ability to teleport would be ideal.