Chapter 1: Orbiting Saturn

BREAKING NEWS: Astronauts found a new discovery on Saturn this week—six creative and eager interns named, “The Saterns.” They sent us a blog to provide insight into what life is like up there. Take a look: 

Hello Earthlings! We are The Saterns. Did you know a day on Saturn equates to around 10 hours and 14 minutes on Earth? That means we work fast-paced. This week, we blasted off into our mission: how to uplift the voice of a small deli-meat brand. We are determined to discover a strong strategy and creative concepts to present next week! 

Meet The Saterns: 

Name: Tayla Whitley

Position: PR Manager

School: Lindenwood University

If you had the chance to design a planet, what would it look like?

Definitely anything big, bright, pink with sparkles.

What celebrity would you want to travel with you in your spaceship?

Rihanna, so that we can talk about beauty products and regimens all day.

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Name: Caroline Mansfield

Position: Account Manager 

School: University of Missouri, Columbia

If you had the chance to name a planet, what would it be? 

I would name a planet Athena because she’s my favorite Greek mythology goddess. She’s an independent boss lady, just like all the Satern gals.

If you had the chance to design a planet, what would it look like? 

The planet would be silver with a metallic shine. It would also have a gold ring around it to symbolize Athena.

Favorite space movie? 

My favorite space movies would have to be Star Wars. I don’t think I have seen any other space movies but I grew up watching Star Wars with my dad.

What celebrity would you want to travel with you in your spaceship? 

I would travel to space with Pete Davidson because he was planning to go to space this year and unfortunately could not go. He would make me laugh the whole way and he could tell me all about Kim K.

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Name: Cindy Chou

Position: Brand Planner

School: Clemson University

If you had the chance to design a planet, what would it look like?

If I had the chance to design a planet, it would be pink and with little shiny satellites surrounding it!

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 Name: Grace Newlin

Position: Copywriter 

School: University of Oregon

If you had the chance to name a planet, what would it be? 

“Mira,” derived from the Latin word meaning “wonder.”

If you had the chance to design a planet, what would it look like? 

I’d design a blue and orange marble-like planet with shiny rings that bend and curve like squiggles! 

Favorite space movie? 

The Martian or Star Wars.

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Name: Angel Macaalay

Position: Media Strategist 

School: The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Favorite space movie? 

My favorite space movie is The Martian

What celebrity would you want to travel with you in your spaceship? 

If I had the chance to bring one person to space with me, it would not be a celebrity. I would bring Bella, my golden retriever!

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Name: Joerdan Carney

Position: Art Director

School: University of Missouri - St. Louis

If you had the chance to design a planet, what would it look like?

I would love to design a planet with lots of green architecture. Depending on where you go you’d see quaint cottages built into hills and trees, hidden oasis beneath the desert, bridges made out of roots, and skyscrapers covered in blooms. Like the natural wonders we have here, but ratcheted up to 3000X.

Favorite Space Movie?

By Grabthar’s hammer, it’s gotta be Galaxy Quest.

What celebrity would you want to travel with you in your spaceship?

Lady Gaga. I just feel like she could totally own space travel. The galaxy would love her.